
成功 x軸 0 y軸 球体移動


import bpy

# Create a sphere object
bpy.ops.mesh.primitive_uv_sphere_add(radius=1.0, location=(30.0, 0.0, 0.0))

# Set start and end frames
start_frame = 1
end_frame = 100

# Define the start, middle, and end positions
start_pos = (30.0, 0.0, 0.0)
middle_pos = (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
end_pos = (0.0, -30.0, 0.0)

# Calculate the distance between start_pos and middle_pos
start_middle_dist = ((start_pos[0]-middle_pos[0])**2 + (start_pos[1]-middle_pos[1])**2 + (start_pos[2]-middle_pos[2])**2)**0.5

# Move the sphere to the middle point over half of the animation time
for i in range(start_frame, int((start_frame+end_frame)/2)+1):
    frame_factor = ((i-start_frame)/(end_frame-start_frame) * 2)**0.5
    bpy.context.object.location = tuple(s*(1-frame_factor) + m*frame_factor for s,m in zip(start_pos, middle_pos))
    bpy.context.object.keyframe_insert(data_path="location", index=-1)

# Move the sphere from the middle point to the end point over the second half of the animation time
for i in range(int((start_frame+end_frame)/2)+1, end_frame+1):
    frame_factor = ((i-int((start_frame+end_frame)/2))/(end_frame-start_frame) * 2)**0.5
    bpy.context.object.location = tuple(m*(1-frame_factor) + e*frame_factor for m,e in zip(middle_pos, end_pos))
    bpy.context.object.keyframe_insert(data_path="location", index=-1)


連番 007 未来光円錐 過去光円錐 円周中心からの球体放出

aaa 参考 2023年3月26日日曜日 製作 002b 未来光円錐の方向 線路レールで https://ia2023sha.blogspot.com/2023/03/002b.html import bpy import math zion_co...